The beliefs of the Heaven's Gate church are sometimes considered non-traditional because of the fact that we include things that most Christian [or other religious] denominations will not cover, such as: aliens, UFOs, science, persons from other religions, etc. We have made Heaven's Gate with the hope of making something so pure that it would please God to see its conception-- and we believe we have done just that.
Some of our beliefs (in shortly defined writing) are as follows:
Aliens: We believe that due to the overwhelming evidence of alien existence, it is impossible to intelligently deny the existence of alien life. We believe that aliens are the creation of our Father, but they are trivial to our salvation. We believe that aliens are so far technologically advanced from what we have on Earth that it is impossible for us to contact them; if they wish to contact us, they will do so when they feel it is right. We believe that it is possible that Jesus Christ is not their savior, however, this is something that cannot be known for sure. We believe it is trivial whether or not Jesus is also their savior, because regardless He is ours!
UFOs: UFOs have been spotted in so many instances, in so many cities across the world: try to deny this fact! UFOs are the intergalactic means of travel of alien life. We believe UFOs travel at a speed multiple times the speed of light, also using black energy to close the gap of time.
Egyptians and Mayans: Due to the fact that Egyptians and Mayans did not worship our God, they worshipped many Gods, we believe that our God did not have contact with them-- for if he did, they would have implemented monotheism and worshipped Him. We believe that through the ancient art of Mayans and Egyptians, both cultures were contacted by aliens at one point or more. Each civilization had been ordered to create pyramids, mummify bodies and other various forms of worship. The two never interacted, yet had been ordered to do so by beings that, from their ancient art, came down in space craft. Who else could this have been other than aliens?
2012: 2012 is a tough subject to cover due to all of the theories that are out there. We have three theories in mind that we believe may happen. 1- (The most likely) Nothing will happen. 2- Aliens will revisit our Earth and show themselves to us as they once did to the Mayans. 3- Solar flares may create massive power shortages for several months causing a complete panic in our planet. 2012, at least not this day, will be the return of Christ, as He told us no one shall know the day, nor the hour.
Life after death: We believe undoubtedly, as written in the Holy Bible, the Qur'an, and nearly all "holy" books, there is eternal life after death. We believe that getting into Heaven is much more difficult than most Christians believe, and that many Christians must begin to take this life more seriously. This life is for our Father-- not for us.
Note: These are very basic writings on SOME of our beliefs. For more information regarding our beliefs, one should contact us and ask in writing via e-mail. As all churches, we cover all ranges of topics.